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Hey ?

Could you please find me ?

I am a Hyderabad born Indian who went on to lead the one of the biggest software company in the world.

I have earned a bachelor degree in electronics and Communication engineering.

I am a proud recipient of India’s fourth highest civilian award.

I have started my career in Apple  and later moved to the company that I am leading now.

You cannot view the documents easily without my product.

Then US president appointed me as a member of “Management Advisory Board”

My company has exceed $100B in market cap for the first time in 2018.

Be it a student or Professional or Photographers , they cannot survive without my products.

Find me ?

Whatsapp your answers at 7845042245


  1. Answer : Shantanu Narayen- The president and CEO of Adobe systems

    Ramesh Krishnan
    Arif shah
    Mohan Kumar
    Harish Hemanth
    Sakkapan Sister


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